Frieza is one of the supervillains in the series who possesses an entire range of transformations, each one being quite different than the others. It is implied by the character Vegeta in the series that Frieza's fourth, most powerful form is actually his basic form, with the other three being transformations that suppress his power in order to conserve it. Frieza later confirms this while fighting the series' main protagonist Son Goku.

First form

In his weakest form, Frieza is a relatively short humanoid, albeit with a large chestnut-shaped skull with two horns. He also has a tail with a spiked end, as well as having three talon-like toes. Frieza wears the same upper-body armor and shorts that many of his subordinates (including the Saiyans) are shown to wear, and while traveling, often gives the appearance of weakness by exclusively using his hoverchair for transportation, leaving his henchmen to do his "dirty work". Though frail in comparison with his succeeding forms, Frieza still boasts sufficient force to destroy planets, stating during his battle with the Namekian fighter Nail that his power level is 530,000 While shifting to his next stage Frieza breaks his battle-jacket, revealing a natural white armor covering his chest and shoulders.

Second form

His second form is similar to his farther King Cold, much larger, both in height and muscle mass, Frieza claiming to have at least doubled his power (of over 1,000,000) in this state. He also grows longer horns, which now instead of protruding sideways from his skull curve sharply upwards into near right angles. While in this new body Frieza bears a great likeness to his father King Cold.

Third form

Frieza's third form is again more brutish, with an extremely elongated skull. His facial features contort and change, with his nose melding into his mouth to form a crude beak. His original horns recede and are now white in color, erupting in pairs along the length of his head. His tail tip, which had been cut off by Krillin's Kienzan, did not regenerate, so it is not known if it would have appeared any differently. He now carries a slight hunch, as if the strain of supporting his head was too much for even Frieza's own body to bear. This form vaguely resembles a Xenomorphfrom the Alien film series, particularly in skull structure.

Final Form


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