
Dr. Gero (Android 20) is a brilliant scientist who worked for the Red Ribbon Army. After the army's defeat in the hands of Goku , Gero retreated to his mountain laboratory to plot his revenge with the Artificial Humans Androids series. Not until he reached Android 19 did he create an obedient, bloodthirsty servant. Gero then had #19 transplant his brain into an android body, thus turning himself into Android 20 and preventing him from dying of old age. After his second defeat at the hands of the Z fighters, Gero retreated to his lab to activate Androids 17 and 18, who rebelled and killed the doctor.  


Aside from his incredible intelligence (one of the best in the world, impressing even Capsule Corp. president Dr.Brief), Dr. Gero has gained combat abilities due to placing his own brain into an energy-absorbing model android.

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